
Please – Steal My Ideas

In the past, when I would get an idea I would think it was mine. I would want to keep the idea to myself. I would want credit and be mad if someone else took it. A lot of people feel that way. Recently, I realized that ideas are to be shared. It is a compliment when someone takes your idea and does something with it. For instance, years ago TBOC started holding a Back to School Barbeque in the summer before the kids went back to school. We did this for several years and then suddenly I heard the Apartment Complex management was doing one without collaborating with me. At first I was mad. This was a TBOC idea! Then I reflected on it and realized it was a good thing to develop an idea, do it and then share it. That is the way we can take back our community because no one person or organization can do it all. So please – read about our programming and if you want to implement it in your community – please = steal my ideas.

Tai Campbell

Director of TBOC